COVID-19 Response Cancels Remainder of 2020–2021 Season

By DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

[About a 2 MIN read]

Auditorium in the performing arts center with rows of empty seats and a spotlight warming the room.
Auditorium in the performing arts center with rows of empty seats and a spotlight warming the room.

COVID-19 Response Cancels Remainder of 2020–2021 Season

By DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

[About a 2 MIN read]

The Center’s Executive Director, Ted Barron, announced the cancellation of the remaining previously announced 2020–2021 Presenting Series events. The Center’s continued utilization in the University of Notre Dame’s on-going COVID-19 response plan brought about the season’s end.

“We’ll continue the commitment we made this fall in support of the academy by providing space for socially distanced classes through the spring,” said Barron of the decision. The spring semester season was to have opened with public performances in January. The Browning Cinema also has no plans to present public film screenings. These developments mean the Center’s temporary closure that began mid-March 2020 continues until further notice.

As for future seasons, work proceeds in anticipation of an eventual return. Acknowledging the disruption the pandemic pause has caused for artists, artist management, and venues, Sean Martin, associate director of programming and engagement, said, “We are attempting to reschedule as many artists as possible. It’s a best faith effort.”

Regarding the Presenting Series, Barron added, “Sean has been working diligently with the artists scheduled for this academic year. The majority want to return, but some can’t due to their concerns, and others not yet able to commit to a rescheduled date. He’ll work to maintain as much of the integrity of that schedule as possible.” 

Season ticket holders will have the refund credit applied to their account or may receive a refund. There were no single ticket sales due to the uncertainty surrounding the season. And while loyal patrons and community members can’t yet make DPAC a destination, a bright spot is a potential new patron group: Notre Dame students.

“It’s remarkable how many students have been coming into DPAC who never would have otherwise because it’s a requirement for their class. They have to attend in person,” said Barron. “We’re opening that experience and helping them to feel much more secure in a very uncertain time.”

Categories: Pandemic, Arts at ND, News + Announcements