Browning Cinema
New at the Browning
With Too Black, Kam Golden, Terrell Alexander, Ryan Mills
Not Rated, 120 minutes
The Black Myth Podcast is an informative, conversational show analyzing popular myths about Black culture of a sociopolitical nature. The cast will be live-recording an episode in the Browning Cinema and opening the doors for everyone to check out the process. The episode will be exploring the themes of the 1988 drama film Lean on Me, with a focus on debunking the ideas of tough love, tough on crime, and law and order as being helpful to Black youth.
This is a free but ticketed event. Tickets will be available for pick-up at the Ticket Office one hour prior to the performance. To guarantee your seat, please pick up your tickets at least 15 minutes prior to the show. In the event of a sell-out, unclaimed tickets will be used to seat patrons waiting on standby.
Co-sponsored by the Notre Dame Initiative on Race and Resilience, John and Margaret Brogan Endowment for Excellence in Documentary Film, and the Notre Dame Carceral Studies Working Group.
Event Dates
Sunday, February 23, 2025 - 4:00 PM