MSM Organ Recital - Adam Sikorski

Friday, April 4, 2025

Reyes Organ and Choral Hall

MSM Organ Recital - Adam Sikorski

Reserve Tickets

Sacred Music at Notre Dame

An organ recital featuring first year MSM student Adam Sikorski. He will perform works by renowned composers: Bach, Buxtehude, Böhm and Vierne. The concert will take place on the Marjorie O'Malley Organ, a two-manual instrument built by Paul Fritts & Co, in 2004 for the Reyes Organ & Choral Hall.

This is a free but ticketed event. To guarantee your seat, please pick up your tickets at least 15 minutes prior to the show, at which point your unclaimed tickets may be used to seat patrons waiting on standby. Tickets will be available for pick-up at the Ticket Office beginning one hour prior to the performance.

Event Dates

Friday, April 4, 2025 - 4:30 PM

Reserve Tickets

Login for faculty, staff & student pricing.